The first sixteen weeks in the Hovedbiblioteket
Well, that is it. Our resumee: We had a great time and we learnt a lot. The most important things we have learnt are the differences between libraries in Switzerland and Denmark. For sure, there are a few things, which assume another way of living and government. But we will take our experiences back home and try to use them as much as possible.
Here are the most impressive differences and conclusion points:
In Switzerland we work in alliances. Instead of working just for ourselves, we decided to work together, save money and time. And instead of cataloguing and acquiring, we have time to plan events, make exhibitions and argue about reading skills and education. But what we are still trying and working on, became in Denmark indispensable. There is one responsible department in Denmark, cataloguing every media item. The Aalborg libraries just have to order the items and the associated data, complete some information and the item is ready.
Using the libraries in Denmark is free. Joining
an event in a Danish library is also free. Inter-library loan, internet, all kind of databases are free. Freedom and accessibility of information is the keyword.
The libraries in Denmark decided to point their focus on something else and change their purpose and service contract. It is not just about books anymore. It is about imparting knowledge, about
being a place for everybody from everywhere. It is about integration, support and hospitality. They adjust themselves to the society and the change of time.
Of course, to have time to concern oneself with something else, you need someone who does the work you did before. Here comes digitalisation into play.
Approximately one year ago we decided to start this adventure and apply for the project. And now the internship is over. We leave with a smile and a heavy heart. We had a very great time. We met a lot of nice people, we experienced and learnt a lot. Thank you for reading our blog. We hope, you enjoyed it.
Merry Christmas!
13 December 2017
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